
Remixing is when you add code or a change to someone else’s project. Building on others’ ideas can be really exciting — one of the most satisfying things is seeing how a project grows over time as more and more Hopscotchers add their own unique ideas to it.

It’s also a great way to learn from others’ code. In fact, remixing is core to software development — the Hopscotch Team uses libraries and bits of code written by other people all the time!

To remix a project, just play it and tap Edit. You can add anything you like, and publish it when you’re ready.

If you want to publish your remix or just want to save the game to your profile, press three dots in the top left corner:

  1. Publish Remix: The name of the original user will appear in the top right corner of the project when you publish it.
  2. Save to my Profile: The project will be saved to the Drafts tab of your profile.

The ‘Remixes of My Projects’ tab shows you all the remixes of your projects.

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