How can I get Hopscotch premium features?
Choose either a monthly or yearly subscription. Subscriptions are available for $7.99/month and $79.99/year. You can cancel anytime, hassle-free.
Upgrade to the premium version by tapping “Subscribe to Hopscotch” in your Settings menu or by tapping on a locked tutorial in the library.
As a subscriber, you will have access to all premium features.
If you want to buy one particular tutorial, or a project where you can use custom art, you can use the Hopscotch in-app currency -- “Seeds” -- to get what you want.
You can get seeds by doing the following:
- Tap on the plant image in the top left corner of your “Me” section.
- Press the 'Get seeds!' button in the bottom right corner.
- Tap on a video that has a seed price on it.
- Tap to add or remix custom art (photos and drawings).